Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reflections 8

The speaker's presentation on open source software was really informative. I don't think I had ever thought about it, or even realized that I had used it before. What a great way to get students involved with technology- just give it to them for free with no hassles. This idea will help to close the gap between tech users and nonusers. I want to use Skype and other open sources such as online chats to facilitate learning within my classroom. These are all really cool tech tools.

I wanted to go back and recap on Web 2.0 tools a little bit more. I found a website ( offered by O'Reilly that helped me to understand the concept better. If you have a chance review the comparison chart and concept map, it really helps distinguish Web 2.0 components. Web 2.0 is "serious stuff" that is rather cool. Web 2.0 allows its users to be participants. You can share open source projects on, use Craig's list, listen to Pandora radio, or even participate in product reviews on Amazon because of Web 2.o. tools. I really like this idea and how technology allows use to be an engaged user.

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